Becoming a product innovator through conducting proactive research 

The challenge with selling research

Most of our clients don't know about our research capabilities and the benefits of discovering the unmet needs of their users. Unmet needs are the spaces where new business value and jobs are born. This a proven and established research approach is called the jobs-to-be-done framework. 

Struggle is the seed of innovation

Open innovation, also called open brainstorming, is one way of creating ideas which has only a 5% success rate. Instead we suggest to research the unmet user needs of our customers to find solutions for the needs with a high market dissatisfaction. By focusing on the jobs-to-be-done a success rate of up to 86% can be achieved.

higher success rate when conducting unmet needs research

Let's turn this around!

Let's conduct our own research on our focus domains: insurance, wealth management and utilities. We have the tools and expertise to conduct baseline job-to-be-done research. It will enable us to approach our customers with insight they do not have. Our tools like diary studies, surveys and interviews allow us to create rock solid insights by engaging 50 users or more.

Turn our ambition into a business reality

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